
Malede Birara Yigzaw T. Tadesse Urgie


INTRODUCTION: Perinatal Mortality is a sensitive indicator of the quality of service provided to pregnant
women and their newborns. Although data is lacking from community studies, hospital log books can help to
get useful information. Some of the risk factors for PNM are avoidable if they are known with carefully controlled
OBJECTIVE: To assess determinants of perinatal mortality Gandhi Memorial Hospital and determine the
probable causes of death.
METHODS: This study was done in 2011. The study design was unmatched case control study to compare the
multiple risk factors between perinatal deaths and their sampled live birth controls in Gandhi Memorial Hospital.
The sample size for cases was 220 while for controls 440.
RESULT: In this study PNM was found to be 50.8/1000 live births. Preterm delivery was 35%, LBW was 45%
and Malpresentation 24.6% among cases and these were significantly higher than the controls. Maternal booking
status, malpresentation, vaginal route delivery, prematurity and LBW were important determinants of PNM.
Most of the deaths didn’t have explainable cause of death. Of the known causes congenital malformation and
mechanical cause are the most common. Parity and multiple gestations were not found to be predictors of perinatal
CONCLUSION& RECOMMENDATIONS: LBW and preterm deliveries were important determinants of
PNM. Thus the delivery unit in the hospital should make improvements in the neonatal care services. Improved
documentation of obstetric information is important to reduce the number of unexplained causes of death. Improved
ANC and intrapartum care can play important role to reduce PNM in Gandhi memorial hospital
KEY WORDS: Perinatal mortality, Gandhi memorial Hospital, Ethiopia, Determinants
(Ethiopian Journal of Reproductive Health 2016; 8:20--29)



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