An editor should be a gynecologist/ obstetrician, public health officer, midwife, reproductive health specialist, demographer, and related fields in his/ her educational background. However, the role of the Editor-in-Chief is only given to a gynecologist/ obstetrician. The candidate also needs a minimum of a Master’s Degree and has multiple researches published in peer-reviewed journals. EJRH also considers experience at the editorial board level and the geography of the candidate’s institution. For the roles of a Copy Editor and Journal Manager, EJRH mainly considers educational background, skills, and experience in English Language and managing publications. At times of competing competence in these criteria, EJRH gives priority to women. ESOG, the publisher of EJRH, is managed by an Executive Board of Gynecologists and Obstetricians. The Editor-in-Chief first recommends the candidate to the Editorial Board. If it is approved by the Editorial Board, the recommendation will be sent to the Executive Board for approval. If the recommendation is approved there, the individual will be a member of the Editorial Board. The process remains the same whether the editor’s role is being sought through recommendation, by invitation, or direct application by the candidate.