Uterus Didelphys with Term Pregnancy Diagnosed in Labor as a Cause of Dystocia: Case Report
Background: uterus didelphys is a rare mullerian anomally associated with fertility and obstetrical complications. Term pregnancy in uterus didelphys with fetal survival is seldom reported. We report here a rare case of intrapartum diagnosed uterine didelphys associated with dystocia that gave birth to a viable baby by cesarean section.
CasePresentation: a 30yrs old unbooked, primigravid woman presented with leakage of amniotic fluid of 28hrs and pushing down pain of 20hrs. She had history of 4 years of infertility. Intraparum evaluation for cervical arrest revealed longitudinal vaginal septum, two cervical orifices with the right cervix dilated to 3cm. ultrasound scanning revealed two distinct uteri with a 37 wks viable pregnancy in the right hemi-uterus. cesarean section was done to deliver an alive, active neonate weighing 2.8kg from the right hemi-uterus. Left hemi-uterus was enlarged having a separate isthmus. Both mother and neonate had smooth post operative course.
Conclusion: Uterus didelphys should be considered in the intraparum evaluation of women with suspected soft tissue dystocia. Early diagnosis and timely interventions are important to avert adverse obstetrical outcomes.
Key words: uterus didelphys, term pregnancy, labor, dystocia